The IPC since its establishment in July 2022 has been ceased with the task to revive the ANCWL structures, consolidate the participation of women in ANC leadership structures and mobilise all women formations to rally behind the ANCWL in the province, writes Free State ANCWL Convener Comrade Lulama Titi-Odili and Coordinator Nolitha Ndungane.

The revival of ANCWL structures remains an ongoing programme, the following are tasks which have already been implemented;
– Every branch has been given the task to consolidate a list of politically active women to form interim structures at a branch level. As part of renewal programme, the ANCWL seeks to mobilise all women from all stratas of society to help build solid and strong branches.
– Regional structures of the ANCWL in all regions have been established, these structures continues to assist branches where possible to revive the branch political life.
– The programme to increase the participation of women leadership in ANC structures has been ongoing and this has unfolded in almost all Free State ANC conferences from branches to the province.
The perception that the ANCWL is a desk of the ANC has to be dispelled and this can only be attained through a concerted effort by all women to make their organisation a living movement for all women.
The ANCWL as a community based movement is determined to decisively deal with societal issues facing women and the most vulnerable, these important societal issues include Gender Based Violence (GBV), crimes against the L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+ community, unemployment, inequality, poverty and lack of business opportunities facing women amongst others.
The calibre of leadership to lead the ANCWL in this province will have to be energetic, innovative, progressive in character, brave to fight battles for total women emancipation. The ANCWL in Free State must be compromised of a leadership collective that will jealously guard and advance the interests of women without fear or favour.
As we marked the 111th anniversary of the ANC this year, we ought to remember the words of our President Nelson Mandela when he declared at his inauguration on 08 May 1994 as the first black and democratically elected President that;
“Freedom cannot be achieved unless women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression”.
The Free State ANCWL will be embarking on a massive roll-out campaign to work hand in glove with branches to mobilise women from all sectors of society and build strong branches. Together with other formations in and outside the ANC, a concerted efforts will be undertaken to rally all progressive forces behind the banner of the ANCWL in the province.
As the ANCWL in the province we are resolved that it is our responsibility to take the future of women in our hands, this must extend to the future of our country and our determination to give our country the first women president as the ANCWL must not waiver until this important victory is attained.
The ANCWL will therefore work together with the ANC, their elected and deployed representatives in government to place the agenda of women at the centre of policy formulation, strategies and programmes both the ANC and government with adapt and implement.
It is without question that despite difficulties and obstacles placed to delay the development of women, the women resolve and determination must continue to be a driving force in pursuing struggles of all women for the total attainment for women emancipation.
We take cognisance of the reality that the pace of social transformation has not been at a speed we desire, however no excuse should be acceptable where this transformation could have been attained quicker.
As the ANCWL we will not be fatigued for our commitment to the struggle is a life-long undertaking and we have placed and apportioned our entire lives to the struggle for women emancipation and the attainment for a better life for all.
Aluta Continua, the struggle continues