AUTHOR: Bongani Mashobane
The author is not only a seasoned Pastor and a Leader within the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa, but he is a Lawyer in waiting, who is on the verge of completing his articles. With years of experience in the local church, he fully understand the dynamics of a local church and the kind of leadership needed for such a church.
Pastor Bongani Mashobane, soon to be titled Advocate, is the Presiding Pastor of Tsheseng Bethel in the village of Tsheseng in Qwaqwa in the Free State. His titled The Four Pillars of the Local Assembly is breath of fresh air into the art of leadership in the local assembly.
It is a much needed guiding tool for Bishops, Pastors, Elders, Governing Bodies and all those involved in other leadership structures of the church.
Mashobane has written this book to help build local churches.
It gives a glimpse of the leadership, ministry, mission and fellowship of the local church. It outlines God’s purpose for leadership and describes the person a leader.
The book also explains how God has placed leadership in the local congregation to equip the faithful for the work of the minist
The four pillars explored in the book are leadership, ministry, mission and fellowship. These pillars are complementary as well as mutually edifying. They also play an important role in determining the true identity of the local assembly.
The book further examines transformational leadership and describes different styles of leadership such as high task – low relationship leadership style, high task – high relationship leadership style, low task – low relationship leadership style and low task – high relationship leadership style.