If you do not have a plan to make money you are actually planning not to make money. If you do not have a plan on how to use your money, your planning is to waste your money. If you do not have a plan to grow your money, you are planning to lose your money.
Money matters with John Maine

Money efficiency requires money plan. A plan will regulate how you go about in making, growing and using money.
A plan will guide your spending pattern and inform your saving approach, with a plan you will know when to spend, how to spend and where to spend. A plan will literally hold us accountable for our spending pattern.
You must determine where you are before you start to pursue the path to your financial destiny to answer the question” where am I?” you must look at two aspects of your finances.
- What you own and what you owe?
- What you make and where it goes?
Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity (Proverbs 21:5)
Now you have determined where you stand, you are ready to chart your course not to riches but to financial freedom. Financial freedom is simply being free from anxiety about financial matters. Above all the matters I have unpacked about finances if you do not develop a financial discipline everything will remain a wish. Be disciplined and be disciplined.
John Maine is a Personal Development Consultant from John Maine Consulting (JMC)